New free-Air and Bouguer Gravity Anomalies Maps of Brazil
Here we perform the integration of all available data from the BNDG (Banco Nacional de Dados Gravimétricos) and the BDEP (Banco de Dados de Exploração e Produção da Agência Brasileira de Petróleo) to provide new free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly maps for the Brazilian territory with newly acquired data over the years, mainly in regions with no data coverage in the past. Quality controls and subsequent gridding processes, in the same system of the whole dataset, are developed on the Oasis Montaj software (OM). Subsets of data from various gravity surveys are gridded and upward continued up to 3000 m to avoid high-frequency noise, allowing them to be gathered. We fill areas with no data coverage in the North Region of Brazil with gravity values from the XGM2019e geopotential model. To join the subset grids of ground and airborne surveys and the geopotential model, we use a collection of grids knitting methods from the OM. To verify the consistency of our grids, we compare them with previously derived gravity anomalies maps and geopotential models. Our new free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies maps showmore detailed short-wavelength geological structures than their predecessors. Therefore, these new gravity anomalies maps may be helpful for the development of recent tectonic, oil, and mining studies.
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